How do we listen?

How do we listen?
Richard Rowland
March 14, 2021

Trying to listen to God involves asking how we can expect to hear from Him. Mostly through
His Word, the Bible? Yes, but we’re told not to assume that’s the only way. Some receive
other gifts of the Spirit, such as words of knowledge, prophecy, other worship-languages and their interpretation. Some get poems or pictures. (1 Cor 12:1-14). Do post on the Prayer Wall anything you feel God has said to you.

We’ve been finding that making an intentional, extended time of silence after reading a
Bible-passage gives God the space to tell us what He wants to say. We’ve got to be willing,
seemingly, to ‘waste’ time listening for God’s still, small voice. Some of us still find it
uncomfortable – it’s counter-cultural! Like the disciples, we too might feel “To what
purpose is this waste (of time!)?” (Mk 14:1-9)