How can we know if we’ve heard from God or not?

How can we know if we’ve heard from God or not?
Richard Rowland
March 14, 2021

We noted some weeks ago in a time of prayer, that it’s good to ask God at the start, to show us by His Holy Spirit if there’s any outstanding wrong we need acknowledge, repent of and turn away from?  Having confessed anything that came to mind and received forgiveness, we trust that any thought or impression now coming into our mind is planted there by God and not us!  

We will however get it wrong sometimes, being human.  So we need others to test what we think He’s said, and correct or even ignore it completely!  But it’s not a complete disaster to get it wrong if we’re asking God to, accepting that we can all make mistakes, acknowledge them & be forgiven.  We can post anything we think we’ve heard from God on the Prayer Wall.